The stress buster

In the 21st Century, stress seems to be an accepted state but there are many ways to lower stress levels and manage demands on your time, on your focus and on your mental health in a relaxed, positive and productive way.

So why does stress exist and how can we effectively manage it?

In some situations, such as an emergency, stress can be very useful: providing you with super concentration, increased energy and increased strength to deal with an unusual and possibly traumatic situation. However, stress hormones are only designed to stay in our bodies for a few minutes and can leave people feeling exhausted afterwards.

If you experience long-term moderate to high levels of stress then your health can be negatively affected. The presence of stress hormones can lead to increased blood pressure, tension headaches, poor quality sleep, lack of focus, mood swings and digestive issues amongst others.

How, then, can you lead a busy, fulfilling professional life whilst being able to maintain a relaxed outlook?

Here are some tips to use. Pick 1 or 2 to follow, practice them and tune in to them daily or weekly so that they soon become habitual ways of being.

Get enough sleep

Sleep is the foundation of having a healthy body and a healthy mind.

Research shows that having the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep nightly will:

-         Maintain your weight

-         Increase your concentration & immune response

-         Keep your mood on an even keel

Are you getting enough sleep? And if not, what can be done about it?

We invest much time in the so-called ‘sleep hygiene’ of children, but often lead our own sleep habits in disarray. So, consider:

-         Regulating your screen time prior to sleep: keep your phone out of your bedroom and stop looking at it at least 1 hour before going to sleep.

-         Buy an old-fashioned alarm clock so the phone stays outside.

-         Keep your room at around 18-20 degrees.

-         Lower the lighting in your room.

-         Read, meditate or have a bath to tell your body it is now ‘sleep time’.

-         Aim to go to sleep & wake up at similar times each day.

-         Avoid lie ins: catching up on lost sleep at the weekend can lead to you feeling sluggish & confusing your body’s normal rhythm.

Schedule your day

As far as your job allows, create a flexible schedule for your time so that you work proactively, not reactively:

-         Create specific admin slots during your day

-         Only check your email at certain times of the day

-         Turn off your notifications on your laptop or mobile

-         Work out when you produce your best work: block out this in your diary for work that involves deep thought.

-         At the end of your day, give yourself 15-30 minutes to create tomorrow’s to-do list, to schedule and to evaluate how your day has gone. This allows your brain to ‘download’, to leave work at work & to signal that it is time to get into home mode.

Give everything 100% of your focus

Whatever the task, give it your undivided attention. Then, move onto the next task. Often people can feel overwhelmed by accumulating too many tasks in their brain at any one time.

Keep lists or use an App (such as Trello or Teamwork) to help you. Research shows that we can keep 4-7 things in our brains at our times, so be kind to yourself.

 Exercise & do things for you

Choose a regular activity you enjoy & schedule it into your day or week. And tell someone you’re doing it: then you’ll do it!

It doesn’t matter what it is: Pilates, walking, meditating, running, gardening, a class or swimming.

Opt for something that you enjoy, makes you feel good & that you can easily stick to.

If it takes place more than 10 minutes from your home or office you are much less likely to go, so choose somewhere local, or use an app at home and you are 90% of the way there.


Notice where & how you are breathing during the day. If you breathe high up and with shallow breaths this is more tiring. Breathe slowly & deeply and you will feel instantly lighter.

And, most importantly of all, ask yourself, is how you are currently feeling really the best way to feel at that particular moment?

Ignite your potential

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Author: Nicola Pitt, QDooz

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